Voting for Experience

by Bill Dunn

Last week our illustrious editor, who was one of the few people to show up for the candidates’ forum, tried to capture for all of us that night in his column. He did a great job considering that he had only seen it once. I, on the other hand, am on my eighth viewing of this riveting event. You can also view the forum on Charter Cable Channel 55 every three hours everyday between now and the election should you be so inclined. If you are a citizen of Temple City you should be.

Granted, it is not for those out there who are prone to napping. Should you choose to embark on this journey get yourself a big pot of coffee. You may also want to invest in a bottle of Pepto Bismo for the sections when the incumbents, Petey Z. and Freddy V., and newcomer Pauly L. are speaking. Because when they do you are going to feel nauseated. If not nauseated, you might be frightened. There were some scary answers being thrown around on that dais. Scary when you consider that these individuals want to make decisions for the rest of us for the next four years. 

Petey and Freddy, perhaps the two most unapproachable members of our current council, tag teamed one another in patting each other on the back. Taking credit for all the things that came to fruition during their time in office, most of which were actually put into place by some of the people they are running against. It had to be hard for Chuck Souder, Ken Gillanders, and Cathe Wilson to sit there and listen to their misplaced sincerity about what wonderful councilpersons they have been over the last four years.

But the past council members sat there like wise old sages listening to the incumbent’s gibberish until it was their turn to attempt to set the record straight in a minute or less. Just for future reference to the Chamber of Commerce and The League of Woman Voters, who thankfully sponsored the event, next time around please allow the candidates a little more time for responses. Especially when it comes to closing thoughts, that is unless Petey and Freddy are running, in which case I would shorten it.

The questions came from John Q. public seated in the audience. They were, for the most part, an accurate reflection of the questions we all ask ourselves. You know those questions that pop into your head every time you attempt to drive your car through this town. You do that doggy head tilt as you wonder why things are still as screwed up as they are around here. Things that could be easily fixed if somebody would just use their imagination and eliminate the word “can’t” from their vocabulary.

According to Petey and Freddy things aren’t screwed up at all. In fact things are going exactly as they planned and we are in line to get a city of the year award. Freddy, with all the charm and persuasion of a used car salesman, thinks that the redevelopment of the west end of town is complete and now we can move east down Las Tunas Drive, to our “downtown” area, like Sherman marching to the sea. Unfortunately, the west end is nowhere near complete. There are still empty spaces in the TJ Maxx Center and across the street the theater property is still in limbo.

Petey, who comes off like some kind of slick emotionless Carney hypnotist, thinks that because the trash is being picked up around the city that you should be happy and thankful. He seems to have forgotten that one of the reasons most people voted for him last time was that with a background in redevelopment he would be effective in revitalizing our downtown area, not just keep it clean. So far nothing has changed in the downtown area as far as the businesses go. Freddy offered up the excuse that government is slow. Thanks Freddy. 

The best Petey could muster up this time when asked about our downtown area is that it took a long time for the area to decline and it will take a long time to reverse the trend. I guess we are supposed to take solace in that fact, but I don’t. You’ve had four years and while I don’t expect you to have completely renovated the entire downtown area in that time, I would have at least liked to have seen or heard about some progress. But these two incumbents, along with the rest of the current council, do like their secrets.

When asked about support for the schools and our youth, both Petey and Freddy professed their undying loyalty. Petey even cited the recent agreement between the council and Longden School where the Little League field would be having work done and new lights installed. I have been a volunteer at that little league for the past five years and I am always glad when they get support from the City. I am sure Petey is as well, considering his child is in that Little League as well. 

I just hope his child doesn’t want to join the swim team or take swimming lessons in Temple City this summer. You see, Petey and Freddy obviously have a limit as to their support for the schools and our youth because both of them voted against providing the paltry $9,000.00 that Temple City High School needs to make much needed repairs on their pool. A pool that is not only used by the High School, but is available to all the kids in our community as well. As always, actions speak louder than words.

Then we have poor Pauly, the newcomer to the group. By newcomer I mean not just to local politics but to Temple City as well. Pauly has only been in town a scant four years. Four years and now he wants to be on our city council. I’m sorry but that’s not even enough time to get the lay of the land, no less be able to make informed decisions on what this community needs. I don’t think you should even be allowed to run unless you have been a resident for a minimum of ten years. Pauly is a prime example why.

Pauly, based on his answers, is absolutely clueless as to what this community is all about and what it needs. In his opening statements Pauly seemed to have his own personal agenda based on what he has encountered since being here. The best I could decipher, based on my multiple viewings, is that he doesn’t like our Sheriff’s Department because he feels that they don’t move fast enough for him. He also doesn’t like Wal Mart very much and wants to try and stop the proposed opening of the one in this area. Unfortunately Pauly, the Wal Mart is being opened in Rosemead not Temple City, which means you have absolutely nothing to say about it. That said, do you realize what city you’re running in Pauly?

But the scariest thing that Pauly threw out there was his opinion on something that is a major sore spot with everyone who lives here, bridal shops. Pauly’s stance is why not? He cited that at night the lights are pretty. According to him if we didn’t have bridal shops the stores would be empty and that would mean that vandals and rats would descend on our downtown area in droves. He even suggested that we start advertising the fact in bridal magazines that we are the bridal capital of the world. Yeah that’s what we want to do, share our embarrassment with the rest of the world. That’s quite a choice, bridal shops or the apocalypse. 

I don’t know who you have been talking to Pauly, but if they told you that the community in any way, shape, or form likes the fact that our downtown area is littered with businesses that they can’t use they were playing a joke on you. And if you came up with this idea on your own you need to spend more time in this area and think about this. If those bridal shops weren’t there we would have more room for more viable businesses that could actually generate some tax revenue. Jamba Juice, Baja Fresh, and Panda Express have pretty lights too.

So fellow voters the future is in our hands. You can take my word for it when I tell you that you should vote for Souder, Gillanders, or Wilson or you can take the time to watch Channel 55 for an hour and a half between now and March 8th and judge for yourself. You also don’t have to go overboard like I did and watch it multiple times either, just listen to WHAT they are saying and not to the delivery. The answers are there if you listen. 

But I guess it all depends on what you are looking for. A slick Carney hypnotist, a used car salesman, or three seasoned councilmen with decades of experience. 

In my book nothing beats experience. So don’t be a dope, VOTE!

The Shrub Speaks: The United States and the U.S. stand together in support of the Iraqi people and the new Iraqi government, which will soon come into action. Brussels, Belgium, Feb. 22, 2005
B.D.’s Response: Really, both of us!

Bill Dunn can be contacted at info@sgvweekly
Some of his previous articles can be found here.