
by Bill Dunn

One of the things about writing this article every week is that sometimes when I get off on a jag about a particular topic I run out of room. I try to do my best to convey as much as I can in my limited space and, at the same time, be clear about the point I am trying to make. Sometimes it works and other times it doesn’t.

When the point is missed or misconstrued, more times than not I blame myself figuring it was my fault for not using the proper words. If I had there would be no question as to what I was saying. Even if you disagree with my opinion, at least you would understand what I was saying and that is all I can hope for.

What is really frustrating is when I use the proper words and the point is still lost. There are some words that leave very little to interpretation and when I use those words I feel that I am safe in what I am saying. But when I do, and the word seems to have lost it’s meaning, I am totally at a loss as to how I could have put it any better.

This was the case when I picked up the paper last week and saw the letter to the editor regarding my article about people who have stepped up to do something for this country. The first complaint in the letter was about the watchdog group called The Minutemen, who are a bunch of citizens who pick up the sizable slack left by the border patrol. They basically watch the borders for incoming illegal aliens.

In the letter, the writer compares the group to the KKK and Adolph Hitler and refers to them as a “lynch mob”. She also suggests that I do some research into the group before lauding them as being beneficial to our country. Well I did research them beforehand, but this is where the limited space comes into play. At the time I was writing the article, I didn’t feel it was fucking necessary to go into their background in detail. Apparently I was wrong.

Just to set the record straight, The Minutemen are nowhere near to being skinheads, Hitler, or members of the fucking KKK. Just like members of the letter writer’s family, they are, for the most part, retired decorated war veterans who are volunteering their time to ASSIST the Border Patrol. When The Minutemen spot a gang of aliens attempting to enter the country illegally they do not shoot or assault them. Hell, they don’t even touch them. What do they do? They do the unthinkably vicious act of radioing the Border Patrol making them aware of the situation. Oh the horror!

You see, the mere presence of The Minutemen is enough to stop some illegal aliens dead in their tracks. In one documented instance, when a group of ten illegal aliens crossed the border and saw The Minutemen waiting ahead of them, they froze. They must have frozen solid because they stood, stock still, for an hour until somebody came by and picked them up. The ten decided that this was not a good time to commit their crime.

The letter writer also makes the outrageous statement that The Minutemen exploit the poor. I don’t know where she came up with this bit of cockamamie information but she definitely has her facts ass backwards. It is not The Minutemen or the Border Patrol that are exploiting the poor, it is the shitheads that deal in human trafficking that are the fucking exploiters. The guys that charge the illegal aliens a fee to be loaded into a van or a shipping freighter to be deposited on our shores to make a run for it when they think the time is right.

And just to put a little cap on The Minutemen education portion of this article, seems how I have the room, does anybody know how and why The Minutemen decided to do what they are doing? Was it strictly the fact that illegal immigrants are draining our country’s coffers? Nope. Or are they truly a group of piece of shit white supremacists disguised as patriots? Wrong again. 

The motivation came from a report from our newly formed Department of Homeland Security. The Deputy Secretary of the DHS, James Loy, said in his statement to the Senate Intelligence Committee “Several al-Qaida leaders believe operatives can pay their way into the country through Mexico, and also believe illegal entry is more advantageous than legal entry for operational security reasons.”

Next I am being lectured by the letter writer about how we all are decedents of alien stock and that the Hispanic people have worked hard to better our country. Thank you so much for dazzling me with your rudimentary knowledge of American history, but I was already aware of that fact. I am also aware of the fact that every ethnicity that resides here in the good old US of A has contributed to the building of America as it stands today.

Finally, my little letter writer brings into question my lineage and poses the question of how my forefathers would have responded to the presence of The Minutemen on their arrival. Well that is an easy one. My great-grandfather didn’t sneak into this country under the cover of darkness or hidden away in a freight-shipping container, he came through Ellis Island like the majority of aliens who came to this country legally. Just like the thousands that came through Angel Island on this coast that were coming from Asia, they came here legally. 

That my friends is the bottom line and the word that I hoped the first time around would make the difference, ILLEGAL. So when I am told by somebody, like my misinformed letter writer, that I should take care before using the term “illegal alien”, as though it is some derogatory handle, she should keep in mind that the description is accurate. Unless they come to this country through the proper channels, they are committing a crime, thus fucking illegal.

I welcome all of the poor and huddled masses, as long as they do it legally.

The Shrub Speaks: Wow, Brazil is big. 
Dubya's reaction upon being shown a map of Brazil by Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. 11/6/05
BD.’s Response: No response is necessary. This speaks for itself!

Bill Dunn can be contacted at info@sgvweekly
Some of his previous articles can be found here.