Is Paris Burning?

by Bill Dunn

When will this madness stop? If there is anything more out of control than gas and medical costs, it is Paris Hilton and the press coverage of her. I hate to give her any more space in a public forum, but nobody in the legitimate press seems to be pointing out just how ludicrous this has become.

Sure, some of them talk about potential preferential treatment, which couldn’t be happening, but most are drooling over every salacious tidbit of information pertaining to the tainted heiress. All while Paris displays every bit of manipulative behavior she and her family can muster. Ah, but alas poor Paris’ attorneys weren’t able to pull off the little shell game they tried to pull on the judge, district attorney, and the public as a whole.

From the very start of her initial incarceration you could see it in her eyes, in her booking photo, that something was up. Most people who are being booked into jail at least register some form of fear in their eyes when being photographed. That is unless the person is completely wasted, think Nick Nolte, James Brown, and the anti-Semitic pig Mel Gibson. 

Only if the person is a hardened criminal, the look in their eyes is a fear of the unknown. At the point that picture is taken the future inmate has no real idea what lies around the next corner. The look in her face is one of, I am not only not afraid, it is one of I won’t be here long. Let’s face it, her booking photo is no different from photos taken of her when she was modeling.

What happened next was so bizarre that even the best Hollywood screenwriter would have been laughed out of the room had he written it. Two days after checking into her new digs, the Sheriff’s Department let her loose, to go home and serve the remainder of her sentence. Granted, being the stand up gal that she is, she agreed to serve the entire 45 days of her jail term.

Under the cover of darkness, Paris was whisked away by her mommy to the confining digs of her Spanish style home in the Hollywood Hills. She would be forced to wear the incredibly uncomfortable electronic monitoring bracelet that didn’t match anything in her current wardrobe. Oh, the horror!

So what was the reason for this quick departure? According to the Sheriff’s Department, it was an undisclosed mystery medical condition. What could it be? Some speculated that it was a viscous skin-eating rash that only affects the rich. Some claimed it was a terminal case of herpes. After a little bit of prying and I’m guessing a few bucks changing hands, the psychiatrist, one Dr. Sophy, who visited her the day before, said that “her condition was purely psychological and she was in danger of having a nervous breakdown.”

Oh My! I’m sure that Paris is the only inmate in the entire penal system that is suffering from that. If not, then maybe we should send all of the other inmates who are depressed home as well.

But as we all know, through the relentless media coverage, her acting ruse wasn’t good enough to pull the mink over the judge’s eyes. She was ordered back to court within hours of her release. Again, the Hilton family tried to bend the rules and have Paris phone in her appearance before the judge.

The judge was understandably pissed off beyond belief and was done playing games with the entire group. He ordered the sheriffs to pick up Paris at home and brought before him immediately, well immediately after Miss Hilton was done picking out an outfit and putting on her makeup. This time, in handcuffs, the jig was all but up for Parisite and it was now time to face the music, again.

The Judge thought that he had made it crystal clear the first time around, by personally writing on the court documents, that no work furloughs or home incarceration/monitoring would be allowed. So after listening to all sides involved for an hour, the judge made it even clearer by sending her back to jail for the duration of her sentence. This time she wouldn’t be staying in the Lynwood jail, this time it would be the medical ward of the Downtown LA County Jail.

Despite the fact that Paris’ lawyers had requested Lynwood for her first stay based on their extensive medical staff, they apparently weren’t equipped to deal with Paris’ “special needs”. LA County jail wouldn’t have that problem so no more flimsy medical excuses. So, bye, bye Paris, off you go and right now.

What happened next showed the true colors of the Paris Hilton psyche. She began wailing and crying for her mommy to save her from her impending just deserts. Two days later she would deny that this happened despite numerous eyewitness accounts. Not to mention the photos of her on her way to jail crying hysterically.

This display came from the same person who said the day before she went in the first time, that she was going to do her time and hoped that she would be setting an example to those girls who looked up to her. Yeah, good job there Paris, that’s the way to set a good example for those girls. Personally the only people who could look up to you would have to be shorter in height.

The next piece of hyped up drama to come out was the phone call placed by Paris to Barbara Walters, less than 48 hours after being put back in jail. The transparent purpose of the call was so Walters would read her latest statement to the masses while incommunicado. I’m sure Paris is going to share that number with the rest of her new friends on the cellblock so Barbara can read their statements too.

The message that Priestess Hilton wanted us to hear was that, hold on to your lunch now, here it goes, “I used to act dumb. It was an act. I am 26 years old and that act is no longer cute. It is not who I am, nor do I want to be that person for the young girls who look to me.” Does this sound familiar so far? Just wait it gets better.

She goes on to say, “I know now that I can make a difference, that I have the power to do that. I have been thinking that I want to do different things when I am out of here. I have become much more spiritual. God has given me a new chance.” Whoops, there goes my lunch.

First of all, as far as acting dumb, nobody, especially Paris Hilton, is that good of an actress. She seems to forget that for all intents and purposes we watched her grow up. It is one of the pit falls of growing up in the public eye. No Paris you ARE that dumb and you can’t fix dumb this late in the game. Second, I am not a religious type of guy, but even I know better than to drag God into your mess and lie to him/her in the process. That in itself is enough for you to burn for.

Third and most importantly, don’t you think it is a little soon for this type of epiphany? I mean come on. At the point this statement was given you had only been in the gray bar hotel for less than two days. Just how dumb do you think the rest of us are? 

My suggestion to you is similar to what you said you were going to do the first time around. Do your time and do it quietly. Oh and based on your parents last visit, you might have them wait in line with everybody else instead of being escorted to the head of the line.

You wouldn’t want anybody to think you are getting preferential treatment would you? What kind of a message would that send to those young girls? 

Bill Dunn can be contacted here
Some of his previous articles can be found here.